Dickinson Poetry Box Looks Like New

Actually Karen said, “I don’t remember it looking this beautiful when we bought it.” Steve and Karen were very happy with the repair, cleaning, sanding, and refinishing of their Dickinson Poetry Box. For the first time I used Timber Pro UV Clean & Brite to remove the moss and grime. Timber Pro is a Portland stain and paint producer specializing in natural wood stains and finishes. It worked like a charm! Then after repairing it, I sanded it down with 150 grit sandpaper. While the plexiglass poem display panel went through the dishwasher I sanded it again with 220 grit and sealed it with Daly’s Seafin Ship’n Shore Sealer. So smooth… I kept encouraging them to pet the Poetry Box’s Mahogany sides and Ironwood lid. While we stood there admiring it Steve read a stanza from the poem they had posted in the Poetry Box when I took it to the shop. I had reformatted it and contacted Victoria Chang to thank her for the poem and to get an OK for the reformatting.

From “The Trees Witness Everything”

That Music

Once, I fell in love

with the music, not the man.

When the music played,

my heart moved like paper boats.

When it stopped, I was eighty

Steve and Karen were very happy with the repair, cleaning, sanding, and refinishing of their Dickinson Poetry Box.